Supply Chain Management

This web application runs on corporate intranet and allows branches to place orders with head office. It also allows inter-branch transactions such as transfering stock from one branch to another.

Major Operations

The following are the major operations of this portal:

Technologies and Products used

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.

Operation Files Associated Objects
Login Page login.jsp BranchBean Bean
Branch Home page branchhome.jsp ,links.jsp, messages.jsp BranchBean Bean
Placing order placeorder.jsp, placeorderfinal.jsp BranchBean bean , Item bean, ItemsList bean, Branches Tag, Products Tag
Messages received messages.jsp BranchBean bean
Messages Sent sentmessages.jsp BranchBean bean
Sending message sendmessageform.jsp, sendmessage.jsp BranchBean bean, Branches Tag
Receipt of goods receiptgood.jsp BranchBean bean, StockBean bean, Branches tag, Products tag
Transfer of goods transfergoods.jsp BranchBean bean, StockBean bean, Branches tag, Products tag
Displaying Pending orders pendingorders.jsp BranchBean bean
Change password changepassword.jsp BranchBean bean

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :

  1. Download and unzip it into webapps directory of Tomcat installation directory.
  2. Make sure you copy ( after renaming it to classes111.jar) or classes12.jar into WEB-INF/lib directory
  3. Compile javabeans in WEB-INF/classes/scm directory. Run batch file s.bat before compiling javabeans. You may have to make necessary changes to batch file depending on the directory structure of your system.
  4. Create account scm with password scm in Oracle Database using the following command after you log in as SYSTEM or INTERNAL.
       create user scm identified by scm;
       grant connect, resource to mft;
  5. Create required tables in Oracle using TABLES.TXT file and also insert some sample data.
  6. Start Tomcat
  7. Run the application using the following url:
  8. You should see login page of the application.

Deploying Web Application In Tomcat of JBoss

The following procedure explains how to deploy a web application MFT, developed with Standalone Tomcat, into Tomcat that is embeded into JBoss. This eliminates the need to use two servers - JBOSS and TOMCAT. Instead by starting JBOSS, we can use Web applications and related EJBs.