Srikanth Technologies

32 years and counting

32 years ago, on this day (4th Sep) I started my career.

I look back at all these years with a sense of satisfaction and sense of integrity.

I had ups and downs (just like anybody else). I met some wonderful students and also not so wonderful students. I had some overflowing batches and some underflowing batches. But if I ask myself - did I give my best in thick and thin times? The answer has always been YES.

I spent more than 1,00,000 hours to learn and teach.

I read books, blogs, magazines and articles. I learned from videos, conferences and talks.

There are lots of people who are more knowledgeable than me, worked harder than me, smarter than me. I respected them and learned from them whatever I could. I know they all worked very hard to get there.

I love to share my knowledge, which I acquired by spending a lot of time.

I don't want to die with all my knowledge. I love to give my knowledge to those who need it.

I created my Udemy courses, Blogs and Video Tutorials in an attempt to share my knowledge beyond the walls of my classroom. The moto has been sharing.

As I completed 32 years of sharing, I want to celebrate this milestone by giving you a coupon which gives access to all my Udemy courses for FREE for lifetime.

Please use the coupon SK32YEARS to enrol into my Udemy courses for free.

This is my sincere attempt to give you (my student) more ways to learn and enrich your skills.